EDWARDS, EYTON, Celebration of Life Service, Friday, November 6, 2020, 1:00 pm at Rocky Mount Baptist Church, 6682 Old Macon Highway, Rex, GA 30273. Rev. Lee A. Evans, Sr., Officiating. Rev. Jabare J. Smith, Eulogist. Interment, Church Cemetery. Viewing, Thursday, November 5, 2020, 5-7 pm at Riverdale Chapel, 6580 Church Street, Riverdale, GA 30274.
Willie A. Watkins Douglasville Chapel, Douglasville, GA 770.489.6751.
I miss you gentle giant the real wolverine. I love you bro. I pray when I get to heaven you be one of the arms that's open to welcome home. Your Carspa brother Rick..
He will be missed!
Promises from Jehovah God: Eliminate sickness, death, and comfort
Isaiah 33:24 No resident will say: I am sick, and death will be no more.
Rev 21:4 And he (Jehovah) will wipe out every tears from their eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning not outcry nor pain be anymore.
Isaiah 51:12 I (Jehovah) myself am the one that is comforting you.
I invite you to read the Watchtower No.2-2020 What will God's Kingdom accomplish at jw.org
Our prayers and thoughts are for your family during this difficult time. God will strengthen your hearts and give you peace in Jesus' name.
Deepest sympathies from my heart to yours.
Associate Pastor Shirley D. Simpson Faith Walk Ministries Inc.
I shall always remember your smile and your friendly hello. May peace be upon your Family. Rest on.
Mrs. Melva Wilson, Jonesboro, GA
Our staff will continue to keep your family in our prayers. We thank you for allowing us to serve your family.
Preserve and share memories of your loved one by creating a Forever Missed online memorial. More at Forever Missed