Sunrise December 9, 1921 – Sunset October 4, 2020
Robert Lee Moon, born December 9,1921, to Phoebe
Woodfin Moon and Dock Moon, of Union Point Georgia. Robert was the seventh of eight children. All siblings and both parents proceeded him in joining their ancestors. In chronological order of birth: Sister: Viola, Brothers: Eugene and Albert, Sister: Genola, Brothers: Ben, Ezell and Lincoln. Robert was the second youngest child.
Robert Lee, attended elementary school in Union Point Georgia. During this time in the South, it was common for African American elementary school age children; whatever their ages or levels were, to be educated under one roof. However, despite these circumstances, Robert went on to graduate from Union Point High School at the age eighteen. Robert always had an inquisitive mind often tinkering around with odds and ends.
That being the case, at the young age of fifteen, Robert and his five brothers collectively figured out how to provide electricity to their home; they provided lights. “Thomas Edison had nothing on them Moon boys.” Robert had a thirst for knowledge, despite the odds in 1939 Robert managed to attended Valdosta College, located in Florida. He spent one year at Valdosta studying Agriculture.
In 1941, with the onset of World War II, Robert joined the Marine Corp. That year was the first year African Americans soldiers were enlisted in the Marine Corp. Robert served from 1941 – 1943.
Upon returning home from the war, Robert yearned for better employment opportunities, he decided to go North. In 1945, Robert and his Cousin Franklin, in an old jalopy station wagon, headed north to New York City. Some years later, as Robert became more prominent, family members often teased him of how he and Franklin migrated to the big City in that old jalopy.
Arriving in NYC, as a young man of only twenty-four years old, Robert was elated to be in NYC. Coming from a small town boosted his excitement even more. Not to mention a very special love interest; that being Ms. Odessa Hanson. Odessa had arrived a little earlier than Robert and landed a job as a Trolley Car Driver. Robert being a country boy and knowing very little about the big City, Odessa showed him the ropes of City life. Shortly thereafter, Robert and Odessa were married.
Robert and Odessa were married in 1946, from that union they had three biological children: Ronald, Anthony (affectionally called Brown) and Robbianna. Some years later Robert and Odessa adopted two of Odessa’s nephews; John and Michael Canty. Anthony (1952), Odessa (1999) and Michael (2017) proceeded Robert in passing.
Robert had a number of jobs, however, in 1951 he began working for the New York City Transit Authority as a Bus Driver; also known as the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA). Robert worked for the MTA from 1951 – 1971.
1971 Robert retired from the MTA, and returned to his home town of Union Point GA. There he and his Brother in Law Roy Hanson, opened a variety store called Po Boys/Daniels Springs. Opening a store in the small town where he grew up, was quite an accomplishment. Robert was also a Christian man, at an early age he joined Randolph Baptist Church of Union Point. As a matter of fact, his Father, Dock Moon, served as the Minister of Randolph Baptist Church as well as he served as the towns elementary school teacher. Robert stayed faithful to his Christian religion. While living in Queens NYC, both he and Odessa joined the Friendly Church of Apostolic Faith, located in Jamaica Queens NY.
Robert Lee and Odessa were true soul mates, although spending many years in NY, returning to their roots in Georgia was where they wanted to be.
Robert enjoyed, gardening, raising chicken and on occasion hunting.
Although Robert enjoyed farm life, his true passion was fixing things. This included fixing a wide range of things; from cars, televisions, plumbing, and electrical repairs; you name it Robert could fix it. He was often noted by family members as the go to person. They would say “Ask Robert Lee he can fix anything”.
Robert was a mild mannered gentle man, loved by many. He will be fondly remembered for so many wonderful things, most important being a beacon of support for his family. His famous phrase “Is That Right” will be heard for generations to come. We love you, may you rest in peace Sir Robert Lee, you’ve served well. Robert was also known as Tip and Uncle Moon.
He leaves to cherish his memory: his children, Ronald Moon, who relocated from New York City to be by his father’s side and care for him until the end. His beloved daughter Robbianna Moon Washington,(Reginald)( NY), Brother in Law Roy Hanson (Agnas)(GA). Special Nieces and Nephews: Alan Moon(GA), Beverly McDonald(VA), Chris Moon, Debra Hanson(GA), Geneva Freeman(GA), Jean Askew(GA), John Canty (NY), Karen Belton (Ronnie)(GA), Kelvin Hanson(VA), Linda Burton (Sylvester)(GA), Mary Bell Clark(GA), Norma Wright (NY), Raynard Lunceford(GA), Reginia Russell(OH), Rodney Hanson(VA), Virgous Lunceford (NY). God Daughter Jewel Lucas (NY) and Sons, and a host of family and friends
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 12 pm at the Randolph Baptist Church cemetery.
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