Mr. Gregory Kiser a resident of Pike Road, AL expired June 20, 2019.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. from True Divine Baptist Church, Troy Highway.
Interment in Eastwood Cemetery.
To the family, please take comfort in Jesus words “there will be a resurrection and sickness and death will be gone forever.” John 5:28,29;Rev.21:4 For more comforting words, please visit: JW.ORG
We’re so sorry to hear you are suffering the loss of your dear loved one. Although it can feel overwhelming, we hope you can find strength and some comfort in the words found in Nahum 1:7 which reads: ”Jehovah is good, a stronghold in the day of distress. He is mindful of those seeking refuge in him.” Our loving God also has made the provision of a resurrection RIGHT HERE ON EARTH when it is restored into a beautiful paradise (Acts 24:15; Isaiah 55:11). Can you see imagine your dear loved one coming back to life? Find out more about this resurrection online at ~ R&R Lopez
Please be encouraged:
Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise
Luke 23:43
I am so sorry for your loss. During times of grief, it is comforting to have someone to lean on, pour out our hearts to. Our heavenly father invites us to turn to him for support and comfort (Psalms 55:22. For more comforting scriptures visit the website JW.Org.
Dearest Family and Friends, Please accept my sincere condolences on your loss. Jehovah God will soon undo all that death has caused and by means of a resurrection our loved ones will live again. (Daniel 12:2)
My deepest condolences to the Kaiser family. When we lose a loved one here on earth, we gain an angel in heaven that watches over us. May you take comfort in knowing that you have an angel to watch over you now.
Jehovah God said that there is going to be a ressurection of both the righteous and the unrighteous at john5:28,29
So sorry to hear of your loss. As the days go by, may you experience the love of our heavenly Creator, Jehovah God as he strengthen you and your family to get through this trying time. (Psalms 83:18) Remember he loves your loved one also and has promised to get rid of sickness and death forever and by means of his son Jesus Christ, bring back to life our loved ones. (Revelation 21:4; John 5:28,29) Please accept my deepest condolences. for more encouragement.)
So sorry to hear of your loss. As the days go by, may you experience the love of our heavenly Creator, Jehovah God as he strengthen you and your family to get through this trying time. (Psalms 83:18) Remember he loves your loved one also and has promised to get rid of sickness and death forever and by means of his son Jesus Christ, bring back to life our loved ones. (Revelation 21:4; John 5:28,29) Please accept my deepest condolences. for more encouragement.)
My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Gregory Kaiser. Losing someone we love is very difficult and hurts us so deeply.May you find peace in knowing that Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ understands what you are going through (1Peter 5:6-7) and will heal your broken-heart and crushed spirit according to (Psalms 34:18).You also have the wonderful memories of your loved one that will be forever engraved in your hearts. Ernestine W.
My sincere condolences to the Kaiser family. Hope your grief will be softened by the comforting words of our heavenly father at Revelations 21: 3 - 5, where he promises to remove all causes of pain and sorrow. Until that happy, he invites us to rely on him for comfort (2 Corinthians 1: 3,4).
To family and friends my deepest sympathies to you for the loss of your love one. The death of a loved one brings tears and sorrow. It is comforting to know that the Bible at John 5:28,29 promise that our loved ones who have died can live again by means of the Resurrection. Also Isaiah 26:19 says "Your dead will live... the earth will let those powerless in death come to life". What a hope of seeing your love one again! Learn more about the Resurrection hope and many more blessings that the Bible offers for obedient mankind at
I am so sorry about your loss. The scripture at Rev.21:3,4 gives me comfort and I hope it does the same for you.4
Our staff will continue to keep your family in our prayers. We thank you for allowing us to serve your family.
Preserve and share memories of your loved one by creating a Forever Missed online memorial. More at Forever Missed