Woodson, Mrs. Darlene, a resident of Montgomery, AL, departed this life on December 30, 2024. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 12:00 Noon from First Baptist Church GWP, (2817 Third St
Montgomery, AL 36108), Pastor Leon Hampton, officiating with a burial following in Forest Hill Memorial Park Cemetery.
Mrs. Woodson will lie in repose on Friday, January 10, 2025 from 1-8PM, and on Saturday at the church one hour prior to services.
NOTICE: Please be mindful that the State of Alabama and the CDC have advised that we limit gatherings and that individuals who are ill and or are at-risk (e.g., elderly, immune-compromised) should be encouraged to stay home. Social Distancing Practices will be observed during the visitation and services.
Send flowers to the service of Darlene Woodson
Peace Lily was sent for Darlene Woodson - January 10, 2025
Pink Tribute Spray was sent for Darlene Woodson - January 06, 2025
LACRETIA LEE sent The Peace Lily for Darlene Woodson - January 06, 2025
With Deepest Sympathy,
Costco Wholesale #1009
Darlene,My beautiful cousin.I will always the times we spent enjoying life.Death is only a door to the afterlife that all shall pass through.Fairwell Cuzzo. Hosheyah Yisrael
Words can't express the depth of sorrow I feel for the loss of Darlene. (my twin) She was an incredible person. Full of love warmth and kindness. Her spirit touched everyone around her, and her memory lives on in our hearts forever. To my nephews, I want you to know that your mother loved you deeply and was always proud of you. She taught you strength compassion, and resilience. As you navigate this difficult time, remember that she is always with you in your heart and memories, guiding you and cheering you on. Know that you are not alone. We are all here for you, ready to support you in any way we can. Together, we honor her legacy and find comfort in the life she shared with all of us. With all my love and deepest sympathies, The Smith Family(Aunt Linda)
What an amazing woman a soldier in the army of the lord What an awesome family Love always 🙏🏾 Nurse ithaca Hillview rehab select
No words can take your heartbreak away. May your family be comforted by God's grace during this time of bereavement.
With love, The Long Family
May God Give You all Peace and Comfort. From The Merriweather Family.
My condolences goes out to the family and I will be praying for the family! When I first met Mrs. Darlene she was the sweetest woman I ever met and she will be truly missed
My condolences to my Kinfolks, praying Yah comfort you all with His super natural peace that surpasses all understanding...IJN.
Our staff will continue to keep your family in our prayers. We thank you for allowing us to serve your family.