Mrs. Sha' Resse Ann Howard - Brown (28) passed on Friday, May 5th, 2023, in Dillon, SC.
The family is receiving friends at 812 Brookgreen Drive, Hamer, SC 29547.
Viewing of Mrs. Sha' Resse Ann Howard - Brown will be Friday, May 12th, 2023, from 1:00PM-5:00PM. (Newtown)
Funeral Service for Mrs. Sha' Resse Ann Howard - Brown will be Saturday, May 13th, 2023, at Samuel Bartell Memorial Chapel (Newtown) at 3:00PM.
Burial will follow at Resthaven Cemetery.
Mrs. Sha' Resse Ann Howard - Brown obituary reads as follows:
On November 4th, 1994, a daughter was blessed to Mrs. Willow Mae Hayes – Howard and Daniel Sidney Howard, Sr. Sha’ Resse Ann Howard – Brown departed this life May 5th, 2023, and gained her wings. She leaves to cherish her three sons, whom she adored and loved Jermaine McCloud, Jar’ Resse McCloud, and Jacoby McCloud, all the home.
She was married to Alvin Brown of Dillon, SC, who proceeded her in death. One brother who also preceded her in death Dominic Howard “Dee.”
Three brothers Ray Hayes, Daniel Howard, both of Dillon, SC and Montarias Howard of Columbia, SC, one sister Cecelia Howard of Clio, SC. Aunts and uncles Bobby Hayes and Leann, Loretta Rodriguez, Teal Anna (James) McMillian, Otis (Keya) Hayes, Michael Hayes, and Nathaniel Howard.
Two special cousins but their bond was like sister and brother Dexter and Moneke Tyson.
Her loving grandparents Mrs. Flora and Leroy Hayes and grandma “Ann” whom they loved dearly.
Sha’ Resse Ann Howard – Brown was a great mom, daughter, friend. She loved to have gatherings. She loved family more than anything, loved to help others, listen to others, give good advice, to see people. She loved to smile, laugh, get along, be happy, and live life to the fullest.
Tadean Page sent Sympathy Spray for Mrs. Sha' Resse Ann Howard - Brown - May 12, 2023
Rest well from Dillon High School Class of 2014.
I need y'all back
I miss you ressy I can't cry anymore my depression winning but I need you and Dee and grandad back
My Deepest Condolences Praying For The Families Continually Elder Larry Gene Farmer 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Our sincere prayers and condolences to the family. Jason and Betty Gunter
Preying for your family we are sorry for your for loss of your love one may god comfort you during this difficult time from the Jones family
May God grant you all peace and strength during this time. Offering continued prayers for your families.
My deepest Sympathy, and Prayers are with the Howard family, May God give you peace & comfort in the days ahead. 🙏🙏🙏🙏Rev. Sarah G. Tart
My Deepest Condolences Praying For The Families Continually. Elder Larry Gene Farmer 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Our staff will continue to keep your family in our prayers. We thank you for allowing us to serve your family.
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