Willie B. Traylor, JR.

Passed 11/11/2024

Mr. Willie B. Traylor, Jr. was born on June 26, 1944, to the late Mrs. Myrtle Hill Traylor Seay and the late Mr. Willie B. Traylor, Sr. in Thomaston, Upson County, GA. He was educated in the public school of Upson County and attended Thomaston Training School.

When he reached manhood, as most men during his time, he found employment with the Department of Transportation in the road department. He was a faithful and dedicated employee. His career, which span over thirty-five years, elevated him to being a road supervisor before he retired.

Willie B. was well known in the Lincoln Park Community. He had a standard of always being dressed whenever he stepped out of his home. He had a love for playing golf and enjoyed playing with his friends. He enjoyed watching football, riding and sight-seeing and spending time with his family and friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents, one sister, Christine Chambles and one brother, Walter Seay. On Monday, November 11, 2024, the Lord summoned his son home. His spirit took flight and returned to the Heavenly Father. His

departure has saddened the hearts of his family, but his memory will live on.

He leaves to cherish his memory one son, Mr. Timothy “Tim” Traylor of Thomaston, GA; three grandchildren, Quinton Traylor, Takaiya Traylor and Tyus Traylor all of Thomaston, GA; a devoted niece, Ms. Kathy Chambles of Thomaston, GA; several other nieces, nephews, cousins and other relatives and friends.