It was with deepest sorrow that Lavender's Funeral Service announced the passing of MS. VICKIE O. COLVIN, 55 of Aliceville, Alabama on Thursday, January 25, 2024 at Northport Regional Medical Center in Northport, Alabama.
Please leave a personal message of condolence for The Colvin, Hinton, & Lewis Families by clicking on our “Guest Book” link.
PUBLIC VISITATION for Ms. Vickie Colvin was Thursday, February 1, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. at Lavender’s Funeral Service.
THE HOME GOING CELEBRATION HONORING THE LIFE & LEGACY OF Ms. Vickie O. Colvin was Friday, February 2, 2024, 11:00 a.m. at Aliceville Activity Center (Cookie Man's Place), 1438 Wilder Circle in Aliceville, Alabama. The body of Ms. Colvin was in state one hour prior to the service.
INTERMENT was in New Cemetery, 196 Valley View Road, also in Aliceville.
The Colvin, Hinton, & Lewis Families Chose The Professional, Experienced, & Compassionate Funeral Directors & Staff of: Lavender's Funeral Service 11233 Highway 17 South - Aliceville, AL 35442