It was with deepest sorrow that Lavender’s Funeral Service announced the passing of MS. TAMMY TERRELL HARRISON, 48 of Aliceville (Panola), Alabama on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at UAB Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama.
Please leave a personal message of condolence for The Harrison, Campbell, & Oliver Families by clicking on our "Guest Book" link.
PUBLIC VISITATION for Ms. Tammy Terrell Harrison of Aliceville (Panola), Alabama was Friday, April 21, 2023 from 3:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. at Lavender's Funeral Service.
HOME GOING CELEBRATION HONORING LIFE & LEGACY of Ms. Tammy Terrell Harrison was Saturday, April 22, 2023, 11:00 a.m. at Galilee Baptist Church, 96 Ginhouse Road in Panola, Alabama. The body of Ms. Harrison was in state in the church one hour prior to the service.
INTERMENT was in Galilee Baptist Church Cemetery, 737 Galilee Road also in Panola, Alabama. Reverend Dr. Bob Nelson Little, Pastor of Galilee Baptist Church was The Eulogist.
Individuals who were immune compromised, elderly, at high risk for severe illness, or currently ill were encouraged to remain at home.
The Harrison, Campbell, & Oliver Families Chose The Professional, Experienced, & Compassionate Funeral Directors & Staff of: Lavender's Funeral Service 11233 Highway 17 South - Aliceville, AL 35442 205-373-2420