Mr. Vincent T. Hughes

Passed 03/20/2023

Mr. Vincent T. Hughes passed on Monday, March 20, 2023.Visitation will be held on Monday, March 27, 2023 from 5:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M. at Trice Funeral Home Chapel. Funeral service will be held on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 1:00 P.M. at West Mount Sinai Baptist Church. Trice Funeral Home of Barnesville is in charge of all arrangements. Please keep the Hughes family in prayer.

Vincent transitioned on Monday, March 20, 2023. Vincent was born on February 24, 1982, to the parentage of Teresa Ann Hughes and Larry Evans of Barnesville, GA his grandparents were Annie Hughes, Mary Evans and JC Evans all of whom preceded him in death.

Vincent obtained his education in the Lamar County School System, In his childhood, he served as a member of the West Mount Sinai Baptist Church Choir. Vincent loved the Lord and continued to serve throughout his lifetime. He was a diligent and hard-working person. He was employed several years with Pizza Hut of Barnesville and was employed with Atlanta Electric until his passing. To know Vincent was to love him. His smile was infectious and his sense of humor was undeniable, He was the life of the party and would light up any room he entered. In his past time, Vincent had a passion for cooking and fishing. He loved to grill for his family and friends and cook his infamous recipe for spaghetti. Initiating ways to be of service by lending a helping hand to those in need was his forte. You always felt loved and welcomed after any encounter with Vince. Vincent leaves to cherish his memories to his children, two sons: Vincent Hughes Jr. (Griffin, GA) and Vinquez Gunder (Hampton, GA) and two daughters: Aubrey Hughes (Macon,GA) and Maloni Hughes (Barnesville,GA) Siblings: Ebony (George) Butts, Sr. (Barnesville, GA Lathia Cox ( Hampton, GA) Monique Wells (McDonough, GA0, Arain (Keani) Evans (Hampton, GA) Dantavius (Luvenia) Evans (Virginia Beach, VA), Cedric Evans (Barnesville, GA) stepmom: Susan Evans. Aunts and Uncles: Tommy (Judy) Hughes (Barnesville, GA) Diane Hughes (Thomaston, GA) , Willie Lou (Clinton) Green (Thomaston, GA), Netia (James) Stillwell (Griffin, GA), Marjorie Talmadge (Barnesville, GA), Annie Barkley (Griffin, GA) and Jamie Evans (Griffin, GA), Special friend: Katie Campbell. A host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and many close friends.