Elizabeth Robinson "Nellie Bell" Davis

Passed 11/03/2022

Funeral service for Elizabeth Robinson Davis "Nellie Bell" 63, will be Wednesday, November 9, at 1 pm at the Anniston Funeral Service Outreach Ministry in the Russell H. Williams Memorial Chapel with Pastor Mark Young, officiating. Interment will follow in Eden Hills Cemetery.

Mrs Davis passed away on November 3, 2022 at Regional Medical Center. Survivors include her son: Jerry Robinson; daughters: Felicia Robinson, Sondrick Robinson; her siblings: Lula (Wherlee) Zeigler, Elaine Ingram, Mary A. Robinson, Willie G. Robinson, Charles (Ola) E. Robinson, Dewayne (Mary) Robinson, Boris Robinson; grandchildren: Dontadin Freeman, Deuntraz Robinson, Aleix Robinson, Demetrius Akken, Kali Robinson, other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, James, Sr. and Vera M. Robinson, grandparents,Guffie Swink, Sr. and Mabella Mcrath Swink, Lee Robinson and Mazarria Robinson William, siblings, Gwendoyne Diann Drake, Larry and James Robinson, Jr.

Anniston Funeral Service Jeffrey C. Williams 2562360319