Malissa Blow

07/21/1960 - 11/09/2021

Obituary For Malissa Blow

Visitation Friday, November 19,2021 Drive-Thru Visitation from 2:00-4:00 P.M. Jenkins Funeral Home 601 Franklin Street Mansfield, LA. Walk-Thru Visitation from 4:00-6:00 P.M. Jenkins Funeral Home Chapel Must Wear A Mask !!!!!! Service Saturday November 20,2021 @ 12:00 P.M. Lie-In-State from 11:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M. New Elizabeth Baptist Church Mansfield, La. Must Wear A Mask!!!!! Interment: Community Cemetery Grand Cane, La. Please Be Mindful Of COVID-19,Social Distancting(6ft.apart)

Guest Book

Keeping the family in my prayers

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Sending our deepest sympathy to Ms. Hazel Fleming and family that showed so much love and compassion to Malissa Blow. Malissa will truly be missed by so many that knew her. Praying that God will give you and your family the strength you need in the days and weeks to come. We will continue to keep your family in our prayers. (Sylvester and Cassandra Mayweather ...Mansfield,La

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Malissa were loved by all just as she loved all. Malissa has finished her journey of life here on world. Servant well done my good and faithful servant she received at the end of her journey from our God. Lucilla Whitaker Hurst, Dallas, Tx.

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Hazel, this is your couisin Wanda Gail Whitaker Roberts in Houston. Sad to hear of my couisin Malissa passing . Malissa loved and knew her family . She would always approach us will "Hello couisin!💕" It could be years but she did not forget a family member. Sending much love from your aunt Pearline Johnson Whitaker family .💕 Earth has no sorrows that heaven can not heal. Gail

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Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. Malissa lived a full life and she was full of life. May you and our family find comfort in knowing that although she is absent from the body, she is present with the Lord. Praying God's strength as you go through this time of loss.

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Hazel,This is Shirley Foster Youngblood.Very sad to hear of your loss. May God keep you.

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Sending my deepest sympathy to the family. Memories of you will forever and always live within all of our hearts. You will be missed Melissa. (Regina Smith-Gipson....Monroe, La)

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With deepest sympathy to Mrs. Hazel Fleming who showed so much love and compassion to Malissa. Remember before dust returns to the earth as it was before and the life ...breath returns to God who gave it. In the time of your weakness, God will provide his strength to you. (Mary R. Robbins...Mansfield, LA)

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Our staff will continue to keep your family in our prayers. We thank you for allowing us to serve your family.

- Jenkins Funeral Home | LA