Alexis Watson

Passed 08/29/2021

Alexis Lesesne' Watson Springfield, VA - Lesesne' Watson - The Lesesne family announces the passing of Alexis Louise Lesesne' Watson on Sunday, August 29, 2021, in Springfield, Virginia.

She is the daughter of the late Mr. Theodore and Mrs. Margaret Wade Lesesne', mother of Mr. Michael Watson (Nicole) of Centreville, Virginia, and Mr. Christopher Watson (Ashley) of Lorton, Virginia, sister of Mrs. Bernice Lesesne' Huell, Mrs Margaret Lesesne'-Cochran (Anthony) and Mr. Theodore Lesesne', III. Alexis was a 1974 graduate of Wando High School and a 1978 Graduate of South Carolina State College.

She was employed with the Internal Revenue Service.

Funeral and Inhumation will be announced by NORTH AREA FUNERAL HOME, 4784 Gaynor Avenue, North Charleston, SC, phone 843 744-7511.