Mr. Derrick Leonard Barnum

Passed 10/30/2020

Mr. Derrick Leonard Barnum of Dawson, GA peacefully transitioned into eternal rest on Friday, October 30, 2020 at his residence in Dawson, GA.

Funeral Arrangements Graveside Service Saturday, November 07, 2020 @ 11:00 A.M. Cedar Hill Cemetery Dawson, GA Rev. Willard O. Weston, Officiating

*ATTENTION Family and Friends! The funeral service will be live streamed on Facebook Live. To get access please visit Johnson and Son Funeral Service Facebook page to view the service during the scheduled time.

******To view the service type in Johnson and Son Funeral Service in your search bar on Facebook for quick access.

Funeral Arrangements are Entrusted to Johnson& Son Funeral Service 249 South Main Street Dawson, GA 39842 Commissioner Ernest M. Johnson, Owner-LFD