Donald Byers

Passed 08/02/2020

Mr. Donald Byers, 71, of Bessmer City, NC passed away on Sunday, August 2, 2020 at CaroMont Regional Medical Center in Gastonia, NC. He was born in Cleveland County, NC.

Our beloved brother, uncle, cousin, co-worker and friend to many is in the bosom of Jesus Christ. Donnie was brought into this world by the assistance of Dr. Paul Hendricks on January 4, 1949 first born to the late Rome Jr. and Maggie Littlejohn Byers. He was the grandson of the late Rome Byers Sr. and Eria Webber Byers. Also, grandson of the late Ebb and Mariah Manning Littlejohn. He welcomed six siblings into our family. L. Dianne Byers Lewis, Doris Sandra Byers, Randene Byers Odems, Michele Duane Byers all of Kings Mountain. Donna Kim Dougan (Bryan) and Ronald Dean Byers of Gastonia. All reside in NC. Donald also leaves to miss his “delightful way” as we prefer to call it, nephews, nieces, many cousins and work family that loved him.

Donnie was the historian of what, where, and when everything happened, for of course he saw it before us, or so he tried to convince us. As brothers and sisters, we had the Maggie & June instructions. Listen, stick to, and above all love each other. Never excommunicate one another. We were charged to stay close and talk together, mostly at our family table. They drilled into us from lap time to their nap time “you are more closely related to each other than to us. You have the same blood running through your veins” We do. And we will.

Donnie was a veteran of the United States Army for 3 years. He served in the Vietnam War where he learned how to build roads, driving heavy equipment. He perfected those skills and thrived at Custom Paving and later at John E. Jenkins of Delta Drive Gastonia, NC until he could no longer drive his beloved paving truck #137. We were all thankful and just a little proud of his perseverance to “ride or die”. He finished as well as he could. We are grateful to God our Father for His promises kept and lived in Donald Byers. According to Psalm 91:16 With long life He satisfies us and shews us His salvation. With long life God satisfied Donald Byers, and shewed Donald His Salvation.

The service for Mr. Byers will be private. A viewing will be held on Wednesday, August 5, 2020, at S.T. Enloe Memorial Chapel from 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM.